Model Set-2 eng

Created on By Arvind Sir

Model Set - 2 English Medium

1 / 28

Protective sols are-

2 / 28

IUPAC name of HO - CH2 - CH2 - OH is

3 / 28

Which one of the metal is liquid at normal temperature?

4 / 28

Which one of the following is an alkaline earth element?

5 / 28

Which one of the following elements is found in free state in nature-

6 / 28

The shape of XeF4 is-

7 / 28

Sodium is a member of which group in periodic table?

8 / 28

Which block of elements are known as transition elements?

9 / 28

The number of chiral C-atom in cyclic structure of glucose is-

10 / 28

The genral formula of carbohydrate is-

11 / 28

Which of the following will not undergo aldol condensation-

12 / 28

Fehling test is positive for

13 / 28

Lucas test is used to distinguish-

14 / 28

The alkyl halide is converted into an alcohol by

15 / 28

CF2CI2 is used as a/an-

16 / 28

Which of the following is a secondary alkyl halide'?

17 / 28

The antiseptic action of CHI, is due to

18 / 28

Milk is-

19 / 28

Colloidal particles of soap in water is -

20 / 28

Electrolysis is used in -

21 / 28

Which of the following is not a collegative property?

22 / 28

Arrhenius equation is –

23 / 28

Iron is a -

24 / 28

The value of velocity constant (K) of reaction depends on -

25 / 28

Which of the following increases the rate of physical adsorption

26 / 28

Ammonia is dried from

27 / 28

The O.S. of Fe in brown ring complex [Fe(H2O), NOJSO4 is

28 / 28

Which one of these is diamagnetic?

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