Created on By Arvind Sir


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On warming an aqueous solution of benzene diazonium chloride, the product obtained is-

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       Penicillin is-

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      Which of the following bases is present in RNA only?

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      Which of the following has ester linkage?

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The order of dehydration of alcohol is-

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       Which of the following is stable carbocation ?

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The compound in which the distrce between tow adjacent carbon atoms is the largest is-

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       The number of sigma and pi-bonds in 1-butene-3-yne are-

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        Which of the following is a double salt?

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Vitamin B12 is a complex of -

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Which of the following inort gases has the largest  abundance (by volume) in air.

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       The highest oxidation state of Cr is-

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Which of the following has the lowest boiling point ?

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The gas liberated when copper reacts with dilute HNO3 is-

15 / 28

   Ammonia acts as a-

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Hardness of water is due to -

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Which of the following is known as Indian Saltpetre ?

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In the electrolysis of alumina, cryolite is added to-

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 Physical  adsorption -

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The colloidal particles have diameter ranging from-

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A catalyst is a substance which -

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     The half  life of a first order reaction A→B, is given as -

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Which of the following metals form a protective layer of oxide to prvent corrosion  ?

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Which of the following expression is true ?

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What mass of ethanol is added to 1.0 kg water to have the mole fraction of ethanol equal to 0.25 ?

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The relative lowering of V. P. of solute is proportional to-

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The fraction of volume occupied in a body centred cubic unit cell is-

28 / 28

Which is the structure of graphite

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