Solid State Important Objective Question

अगर पटना में गोलघर पर नहीं चढ़ा तो क्या चढ़ा और बिहार और झारखण्ड  बोर्ड का एग्जाम में अरविन्द सर का वेबसाइट पर Question नहीं पढ़ा तो क्या पढ़ा 

Solid State Most Imp. Question

  1. Graphite is an example of –

        (a) Ionic Solid                     

        (b) Covalent Solid

        (c) Molecular Solid           

        (d) Metallic crystal 

  1. What is the simplest formula of a solid whose cubic unit cell has the atom A at each corner, the atom B at each face centre and a C atom at the body centre–

        (a) AB2C                               (b) A2BC

        (c) AB3C                               (d) ABC3

  1. Which is amorphous solid –

        (a) Rubber                (b) Plastic

        (c) Glass                   (d) All

  1. The unit cell of a metallic element of atomic mass 108 and density 10.5g/cm3 is a cube with edge length of 409 pm. The structure of the crystal lattice is –

        (a) fcc                       (b) bcc

        (c) hcp                      (d) None of these

  1. Close packing is maximum in the crystal which is –

        (a) Simple cube        (b) bcc

        (c) fcc                       (d) None of these

  1. The number of atoms in 100 g of fcc crystal with density (d) = 10 g cm-3 and edge length 200 pm is equal to

        (a) 3×1025                 (b) 5×1024

        (c) 1×1025                 (d) 2×1025

  1. Wax is an example of

        (a) Ionic crystal   (b) Covalent crystal

        (c) Amorphous solid         

        (d) Metallic Crystal

  1. Which among the following will show anisotropy –

        (a) Glass                   (b) Barium Chloride

        (c) Wood                  (d) Paper

  1. In a close pack array of N spheres, the number of tetrahedral holes are –

        (a) 4 N                     (b) N/2

        (c) 2N                      (d) N

  1. The number of atoms present in a simple cubic unit cell are –

        (a) 4                         (b) 3

        (c) 2                         (d) 1

  1. In a close pack array of N spheres, the number of octahedral holes are –

        (a) 4 N                     (b) N/2

        (c) 2N                      (d) N

  1. The maximum percentage of available volume that can be filled in a face centred cubic system by an atom is –

        (a) 74%                              (b) 68%

        (c) 34%                              (d) 26%

  1. In a body centred cubic arrangement, the number of atoms per unit cell is –

        (a) 8                         (b) 2

        (c) 1                         (d) 4

  1. The rank (effective atoms per unit cell) of a cubic unit cell is 4. The type of cell as –

        (a) Body centred       (b) Face Centred

        (c) Primitive             (d) None of these

  1. 6 : 6 of NaCl coordination changes to 8: 8 coordination on –

        (a) Applying high P

        (b) increase in temperature

        (c) both (a) and (b)  

        (d) no effect on coordination number

  1. TiCl has structure similar to CsCl, the co-ordination number of Ti+ is –

        (a) 4                         (b) 6

        (c) 10                       (d) 8

  1. Which of the following defect, if present lowers the density of the crystal –

        (a) Frenkel       

        (b) Schottky

        (c) Interstitial cation          

        (d) Constitution of F- Centers

  1. How many atoms are there in a unit cell of Mg which forms hexagonal crystals–

          (a) 4                       (b) 6

          (c) 12                     (d) 8

  1. A solid is made of two elements X and Z. The atom Z are in C.C.P. arrangement while atoms X occupy all the tetrahedral sites. What is the formula of the compound-

        (a) XZ                      (b) XZ2

        (c) X2Z                     (d) Unpredictable

  1. In a face centred cubic arrangement of A & B atoms whose A atoms are at the corner of the unit cell & B atoms at the face centres. One of the A atom is missing from one corner in unit cell. The simplest formula of compound is –

        (a) A7B3                   (b) AB3

        (c) A7B24                  (d) A7/8B3

  1. The vacant space in B.C.C unit cell is –

        (a) 32%                              (b) 10%

        (c) 23%                              (d) 46%

  1. The structure of sodium chloride crystal is –

        (a) Body centred cubic lattice

        (b) Face centred cubic lattice

        (c) Octahedral                   

        (d) Square planar

  1. Among solids highest melting point is established by –

        (a) Covalent solids  

       (b) Amorphous Solids

        (c) Ionic solids                  

        (d) Molecular solids

  1. Which of the following does not exhibit frenkel defect

        (a) AgBr                   (b) AgCl

        (c) CsCl                    (d) ZnS

  1. Total volume of atoms present in BCC unit cell of metal is (r=atomic radius)

        (a) 68%                  (b) 74%

        (c) 52%                   (d) 36%

  1. The no. of atoms per unit cell in B.C.C & F.C.C is respectively –

        (a) 8, 10                   (b) 2, 4

        (c) 1, 2                     (d) 1, 3

  1. In a compound, atoms of element Y form ccp lattice and those of element X occupy 2/3rd of tetrahedral voids. The formula of the compound will be –

        (a) X2Y3                   (b) X2Y

        (c) X3Y4                   (d) X4Y3

  1. In Corundum, oxide ions are arrangement in hcp arrangement and aluminum ion occupy two third of the octahedral holes. Its formula is –

        (a) Al2O3                  (b) Al2O4

        (c) Al3O4                  (d) AlO2

30.Crystals can be classified into …….. basic crystal habits

        (a) 3                          (b) 7

        (c) 14                        (d) 4

  1. Doping of silicon (Si) with boron (B) leads to

        (a) n-type semiconductor     

        (b) p-type semiconductor  

         (c) Metal

         (d) Insulator

  1. The empty space in this HCP unit cell-

         (a)  74%                   (b) 47.6%

        (c)  32%                    (d) 26%

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