Calcination and Roasting with example


When Concentration ore is heated in the presence limited supply  supply of oxygen then ore change into metal oxide.This process is called Calcination.Calcination process is occurs for Carbonate Ore.

CaCO   CaO + CO2

ZnCO ZnO + CO2

CaCO3.MgCO3   CaO + MgO + 2CO2

During Calcination, Ore becomes moisture free , Volatile impurities is removed, Ore becomes porous.


When Concentration ore is heated in the presence of excess supply of oxygen and then it turn into metal oxide form and removed impurities.Roasting process is occurs for Sulphide Ore.


4P + 5O2 2P2O5

4As +3O2 2As2O3

Generally sulphide ore is heated in Reverberatory furnace.

2HgS +3O2 2HgO + 2SO2

2ZnS +3O2 2ZnO +SO2

2PbS + 3O2 2PbO + 2 SO2

Cu2S + O2 Cu2O

Q.Difference Between Calcination and Roasting 

In the absence of  air  the ore is heated to a  temperature lower than its melting point(M.P).In the presence of  air the ore is heated at a temperature lower than its melting point(M.P).
On heating the Calcination,metal Oxide is obtained.On heating the roasting,metal Oxide is obtained.
In such process non-metal impurities are not change into their oxide.In such process non-metal impurities are  change into their oxide.
In the Calcinatin process,impurities and moisture are removed from the carbonate ore.In the roasting process,impurities and moisture are removed from the Sulphide ore.
On heating it,all the impurities are removed from it.On heating it,all the impurities are removed from it.

Calcination & Roasting ,FAQ

Q. what is calcination process?

Ans-Impurities and moisture are removed from carbonate ore through calcination process.

Q. what is roasting process?

Ans-Impurities and moisture are removed from sulphide ore through roasting process.

हमारी Team आशा करती है , बिहार ,झारखण्ड और उत्तर प्रदेश क्लास 12th Chemistry में हिंदी माध्यम से आपको सहायता मिली होगी जायदा जानकारी के लिए कमेंट करकें पूछ सकते है यदि बिहार,झारखण्ड और उत्तर-प्रदेश, बोर्ड में सहयता मिली है,तो आप दोस्तों को वेबसाइट साझा कर सकते हैं ।

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