Chemical Kinetics English

Chemical Kinetics English

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A catalyst is a substance which –

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For a zero order reaction –

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The rate at which a substance reacts, depends upon its

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t1/2 for first order reaction is –

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The rate of a reaction A+B ----Products is given by the equation  r=k [A] [B]. If B is taken in large excess the order of reaction will be :

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The rate of velocity of first order reaction is 10-2 minutes. What will be half life period ?

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The unit of rate constant of 1st order reaction is –

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The effect of temperature on rate of reaction is shown by –

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Time takn for the 100% completion of a zero order reaction is-

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For a reaction, t1/2 = 1/k . the order of reaction is –

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The unit of rate constant for zero order reaction is –

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For which order half life period is independent of intial concentration ?

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The unit of rate and rate constant of a reaction is the same. The order of reaction is –

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The unit of rate constant of the reaction 2H2O+ O2 is –

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If the rate of a reaction is expressed by rate = K[A]2 [B], then order of reaction will be

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The order of reaction H (g) + Cl2 (g) ---- 2HCl in water is –

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For a relation 3A É2B, the rate of reaction   is equal to –

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For a reaction of the type : aA + bB É Product;   is a reaction of –

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Consider the reaction N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ⥩  2NH3(g). The equality relationship between A   and   is –

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Which of the following does not show rate of reaction for the 2A + B É  3C +D reaction .

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A solution of intial concentration “a mol dm-3” follows first order kinetic. The time taken for the completion of reaction is –

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The velocity r = k [H2O2] is for the reaction 2H2O2É2H2O+O2

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The unit of specific rate of second order reaction is –

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In reaction AÉB follows 2nd order kinetic. When the concentration of A is doubled, then times with of B will be –

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