difference between molecularity and order of reaction ?

Molecularity of reaction

Number  of reactive molecules collide simultaneously and change into product is called molecularity of reaction.

2NH3→ N2 + 3H2    ,Molecularity=Co-efficient of reactant is 2,  So molecularity of reaction= 2

Order of reaction

It is the sum total of Stoichiometry concept in the expression of rate law is called order of reaction .

xA + yB → pC + q D 

A/c to rate law , Rate= K[A][B]

Order of reaction=x+y

Difference between molecularity and Order of reaction

Molecularity Order of reaction
It is theoretical concept.It is theoretical experimental concept.
It is number of reacting molecules participated in simultaneous collision and change into product.It is the sum total of stoichiometric concept in the expression of rate law is called order of reaction .
It never be Zero.It may be Zero
It never be in fraction.It may be in fraction.
Example  2NH3→ N2 + 3H2

Molecularity=Co-efficient of reactant is 2,So molecularity of reaction= 2

Rate= K[A][B]

Total concentration term=x+y,  Order of reaction=x+y

Order of reaction and Molecularity of reaction FAQ.

Q Molecularity of reaction may be zero yes or not.

Ans- No

Q Order of reaction may be experimental concept  Yes or No

Ans- Yes

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