Created on By Arvind Sir


1 / 30

Walt Whitman was born in the year…………..

2 / 30

He broke the cup

3 / 30

An Epitaph is written by……….

4 / 30

They ought to be here ...... now.

5 / 30

On warming an aqueous solution of benzene-diazonium chloride, the product obtained is-

6 / 30

Walt Whitman was ...... poet

7 / 30

Sweetest Love I Do Not Goe is written by

8 / 30

Now The Leaves Are Falling Fast is written by………

9 / 30

He is known……….. charity.

10 / 30

John Donne is a ...... poet.

11 / 30

Cut short

12 / 30

Walt Whitman died in the year………….

13 / 30

The old lady takes snuff.

14 / 30

He has washed the plates

15 / 30

I ...... some runs.

16 / 30

She is ...... hour late.

17 / 30

I have......... one rupee note.

18 / 30

Stars ...... at night.

19 / 30

John Keats was born in the year..........

20 / 30

W. H. Auden died in the year………………..

21 / 30

To Autumn is written by………….

22 / 30

W. H. Auden was born in the year……………

23 / 30

He………… reading.

24 / 30

India is......large country.

25 / 30

John Donne was born in the year

26 / 30

To do away with

27 / 30

He had written a letter

28 / 30

Walter de la Mare died in the year…………

29 / 30

Walter de la Mare was born in the year …………..

30 / 30

A dark horse

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