
Metallurgy English

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Sulphide ores are generally concentrated by-

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The formula of copper pyrite is-

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Element found in sea water is-

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The important ore of Aluminium (Al) is-

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Dolomite contains-

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Smelting involves reduction of metal oxide with.

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The impurities  present in the ore is called.

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Cassiterite is an ore of-

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Which one of the following elements is found in free state in nature ?

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The ore of aluminium is-

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Cinnabar is-

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In which of the following Ca and Mg both are present ?

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Which among the following is the purest form of commercial iron ?

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Which among the following metal is not extracted by electrolytic methed ?

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Blister copper is-

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Which among the following is extracted by carbon reduction process?

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Which among the following ore is concentrated by froath-floatation process?

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Which among  the following is concentrated by gravity separation method?

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Which element is present in excess as impurity in pig iron ?

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Mineral of iron is-

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Galena is an ore of-

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The formula of copper pyrite is-

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The most abundant element in the earth's crust (by weight) is:

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Heating of pyrites to remove sulphur is called:

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In the extraction of iron, the slag produced is:

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German silver is an alloy of-

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Bronze is an alloy of –

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Most abundant metal on the surface of earth is

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The impurities associated with mineral used in metallurgy are called?

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A process employed for the concentration of sulphide ore is:

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