P – Block

P - Block

1 / 30

The chemical name of borax is-

2 / 30

Which of the following is Tribasic ?

3 / 30

Thermodynamically which allotropl of phosphorus is found in excess?

4 / 30

Ammonia can be dried by

5 / 30

H3PO3 is-

6 / 30

The main source of helium is-

7 / 30

Monoatomic gas is-

8 / 30

The decreasing order of acidic strengths of HOCI, HOBr and HOI is

9 / 30

The oxidation number of S in Hâ‚‚S2O8 is-

10 / 30

The outermost electronic configuration of noble gas elements is-

11 / 30

The correct order of strength of acid is-

12 / 30

The basicity of H3PO2, H3PO3 and H3PO4 are respectively-

13 / 30

H₂SO4  is an-

14 / 30

Which one of the following is least basic ?

15 / 30

Which one of the following is the strongest Lewis acid?

16 / 30

The shape of XeF4 is-

17 / 30

Which one of the following does not form hydrogen bonding?

18 / 30

Which of the following has highest I.P.-

19 / 30

Which of the following is strongest oxidising agent-

20 / 30

The number of P-O-P bonds in cyclic metaphospheric acid is-

21 / 30

Partial hydrolysis of XeF4 gives-

22 / 30

The correct order of thermal stability of hydrogen halides (H-X)-

23 / 30

Which among the following is not correct as per the facts given-

24 / 30

Which among the following has the strongest bond?

25 / 30

The oxidation number of oxygen in H2O2 is-

26 / 30

Oleum is-

27 / 30

Chlorine reacts with excess of ammonia and forms-

28 / 30

The hybridization of nitrogen in is R2-N is -

29 / 30

Similarity between NH3 and PH3 is-

30 / 30

Which among the following phosphorus is the most stable?

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