Question based on periodic table || XI Class Most Imp. periodic table MCQ

  1. Which of the following is not a Doeberiner triad –

     (a) Li, Na, K     (b) Mg, Ca, Sr

     (c) Cl, Br, I      (d) S, Se, Te

  1. Which of the following set of elements obeyes Newland’s octave rule –

     (a) Na, K, Rb     (b) F, Cl, Br

     (c) Be, Mg, Ca(d) B, Al, Ga

  1. The elements of groups, 1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 are collectively called –

(a) Noble Gases                  

(b)Representative or normal elements

(c) Transition elements       

(d) Inner transition elements

  1. The discovery of which of the following group of elements gave a death blow to the Newlands Law –

     (a) Inert gases (b) Alkali metals

     (c) Transuranic elements

     (d) Halogens

  1. From the list given below, elements which belongs to the same group or sub-group are-

     (a) Atomic Number = 12, 20, 4, 88

     (b) Atomic Number = 8, 16, 32, 2

     (c) Atomic Number = 11, 18, 27, 5       

     (d) Atomic Number = 24, 47, 42, 55

  1. The name Rare earths’ is used for –

     (a)Lanthanides only

     (b) Actinides only

     (c) Both lanthanides and actinides

     (d) Alakaline earth metals

  1. There are 10 neutrons in the nucleus of te element z .It belongs to-

     (a) f-block        (b) s-block

     (c) d-block       (d) f-block

  1. For Rb(Z=37), points our the number of electrons present in L and N shells respectively-

     (a) 8 and 18     (b) 18 and 8

     (c) 8 and 8       (d) 2 and 8

  1. The electronic configuration of an element is , , . The atomic number of elemint present just below the above element in periodc table is –

     (a) 36                         (b) 34

     (c) 33                         (d) 32

  1. The number of elements in 5th and 6th period of periodic table are respectively-

     (a) 8, 18           (b) 18, 18

     (c) 18, 32         (d) 18, 28

  1. Atomic number of Ag is 47. In the same group the atomic number of elements placed above and below Ag will be –

     (a) 37, 67                   (b) 29, 79

     (c) 39, 69                   (d) 29, 65

  1. Atomic number 15, 33, 51 represents the following family-

     (a) Carbon family

(b) Nitrogen family

     (c) Oxygen family   (d) None

  1. The atom having the valence shell electronic configuration 4s2 4p2 would be in –

     (a) Group II A and period 3

     (b) Group II B and period 4

     (c) Group IV A and Period 4

(d) Group IV A and Period 3

  1. As applied to periodic table, which of the following sets include only magic number –

     (a) 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126

     (b) 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32

     (c) 2, 2, 8, 8, 18, 32

      (d) 2, 8, 18, 18, 32, 32

  1. In the general electronic configuration- (n-2)f1-14 (n-1)d0-1 ns2, if value of n = 7 the configuration will be –

     (a) Lanthenides(b) Actinides

     (c) Transition element

(d) None

  1. Z/e ratio for N3-, O2- and F respectively will be –

     (a) 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9   

(b) 0.9, 0.8 and 0.7

(c) 7, 8 and 9                      

(d) 9, 8 and 7

18.The ionic radii of N3- , O2- and F respectively given by-

     (a) 1.36, 1.40 , 1.71  

     (b) 1.36 , 1.71 , 1.40

     (c) 1.71 , 1.40 , 1.36

     (d) 1.71  , 1.36, 1.40

  1. In which of the following compound manganese show maximum radius-

     (a) MnO2                   (b) KMnO4

     (c) MnO(d) K3[Mn(CN)6]

  1. Atomic radii of Fluorine and Neon in Angstrom units are given by-

     (a) 0.72, 1.60   (b) 1.60, 1.60

     (c) 0.72, 0.72  

     (d)None of these

  1. Which of the following has largest radius-

     (a)1s2, 2s2,2p6,3s2               

(b) 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s2 3p1

     (c) 1s2, 2s2 2p6, 3s23p3

     (d) 1s2, 2s22p6 , 3s23p5

  1. Arrange the elements in increasing order of atomic radius Na, Rb, K, Mg-

     (a) Na < K < Mg <Rb                  

    (b)K < Na < Mg <Rb

     (c) Mg < Na < K <Rb

     (d) Rb< K < Mg < Na

  1. The order of size is –

      (a) S-2>Cl> O-2> F            

      (b) Cl> S-2> O-2> F

      (c) S-2> O-2>Cl> F            

      (d) S-2> O-2 > F>Cl

  1. Which of the following is not is isoelectronic series-

     (a) Cl , P3- , Ar                   

     (b) N3- , Ne , Mg+2

    (c) B+3 , He , Li+                 

    (d) N3- , S2- , Cl

25.The maximum tendency to form unipositive  ion is for the element with the electronic configuration –

     (a) 1s2, 2s22p6 , 3s2

     (b) 1s2 , 2s2 2p6 . 3s2 3p3

     (c) 1s2, 2s22p6 , 3s23p2

     (d) 1s2 , 2s2 2p6 , 3s23p3

  1. The correct order of stability of Al+ , Al+2, Al+3 is –

     (a) Al+3> Al+2> Al+   

      (b) Al+2> Al+3> Al+

     (c) Al+2< Al+> Al+3             

     (d) Al+3> Al+> Al+2

  1. Outermost electronic configuration of the most electronegative element is –

       (a) ns2np3               (b) ns2np6

     (c) ns2                        (d) ns2np5

  1. The most non-metallic element among the following is –

     (a) 1s2, 2s2 , 2p4        

     (b) 1s2 , 2s2 , 2p2

     (c) 1s2 , 2s2 , 2p3                 

     (d) 1s2 , 2s2 , 2p5

  1. Match list –I (atomic number of element) with list-II (position of elements in periodic table) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:

          list-I                      list-II

(a) 19                         i. p-block

(b) 22                         ii. f-block

 (c) 32                          iii.d-block

(d) 64                          iv.s-block

  1. Which one of the following groups represent a collection of isoelectronic species

      ( At. no. Cs = 55 , Br = 35 )

(a) N3- , F , Na+                           

(b) Be , Al3+ , Cl

 (c) Ca2+ , Cs+ , Br               

(d) Na+ , Ca2+ , Mg2+

  1. Pick out the isoelectronic structure from the following?

          I    +CH3           II. H3O+

     III. NH3            IV. CH3

      (a) I and II        (b) III and IV

     (c) I and III (d) II , III and IV

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