Solid State Test

Solid State

Created on By Arvind Sir

Solid State English Medium

1 / 30

The number of atoms in 100 g of fcc crystal with density (d) = 10 g cm-3 and edge length 200 pm is equal to

2 / 30

Which of the following defect, if present lowers the density of the crystal –

3 / 30

The maximum percentage of available volume that can be filled in a face centred cubic system by an atom is –

4 / 30

The no. of atoms per unit cell in B.C.C & F.C.C is respectively –

5 / 30

Which is amorphous solid –

6 / 30

Doping of silicon (Si) with boron (B) leads TO

7 / 30

In a face centred cubic arrangement of A & B atoms whose A atoms are at the corner of the unit cell & B atoms at the face One of the A atom is missing from one corner in unit cell. The simplest formula of compound is

8 / 30

In a close pack array of N spheres, the number of tetrahedral holes are –

9 / 30

The structure of sodium chloride crystal is –

10 / 30

In a face centred cubic unit cell, an atom at the face centre is shared by –

11 / 30

In a compound, atoms of element Y form ccp lattice and those of element X occupy 2/3rd of tetrahedral The formula of the compound will be –

12 / 30

The empty space in this HCP unit cell-

13 / 30

The unit cell of a metallic element of atomic mass 108 and density 5g/cm3 is a cube with edge length of 409 pm. The structure of the crystal lattice is –

14 / 30

Bragg’s law in given by the equation

15 / 30

In Corundum, oxide ions are arrangement in hcp arrangement and aluminum ion occupy two third of the octahedral Its formula is –

16 / 30

In a body centred cubic arrangement, the number of atoms per unit cell is –

17 / 30

The vacant space in B.C.C unit cell is –

18 / 30

How many atoms are there in a unit cell of Mg which forms hexagonal crystals–

19 / 30

6 : 6 of NaCl coordination changes to 8: 8 coordination on –

20 / 30

Total volume of atoms present in BCC unit cell of metal is (r=atomic radius)

21 / 30

Crystals can be classified into......... basic crystal habits

22 / 30

Which of the following does not exhibit frenkel defect

23 / 30

  1. A solid is made of two elements X and Z . The atom Z are in C.C.P. arrangement while atoms X occupy all the tetrahedral sites. What is the formula of the compound-

24 / 30

The total number of Bravais lattice in a crystal is

25 / 30

The rank (effective atoms per unit cell) of a cubic unit cell is 4. The type of cell as –

26 / 30

Close packing is maximum in the crystal

27 / 30

The number of atoms present in a simple cubic unit cell are –

28 / 30

What is the simplest formula of a solid whose cubic unit cell has the atom A at each corner, the atom B at each face centre and a C atom at the body centre–

29 / 30

Which among the following will show anisotropy –

30 / 30

Graphite is an example of -

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