Surface Chemistry English

Surface Chemistry English

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Bredig's arc method can't be used for the preparation of    the which of the following metal sol?

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Catalytic property generally shown by-

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Catalyst used in the hydrogenation of oil-

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Which catalyst is sensitive to change in temperature?

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The dispersion of liquid in a liquid is called

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Milk is an example of-

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The purification of colloidal solution is done by-

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Which among the following property of colloidal solution is independant of charge-

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Which one of the following is a lyophilic colloid?

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Correct for the adsorption of gas on solid-

(i) According to freundlich adsorption isotherm the    amount of adsorption = kPn

(ii) According to freundlich adsorption isotherm, the quantity of adsorption = kpm1/m

(iii) According to Langmuir adsorption isotherm the quantity     of adsorption = aP (1+bP)

(iv) At low temperature freundlich isotherm fails

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Lyophilic sol. are stable due to-

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Tyndall effect is not observed in-

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The size of colloidal particles ranges between-

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The reason of Brownian motion is-

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An example of biological catalyst is-

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Catalyst increases the rate of reaction.

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Which among the following show the characteristics of a  catalyst.

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The process of adsorption is-

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  1. The material on the surface of which adsorption takes place is called-

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